Man on a Mission
Daniel Sieberg is a Emmy-nominated reporter and author covering science, technology, space and the environment. He currently hosts and writes a weekly program called Thec This Out! for ABC News, routinely anchors ABC News NOW live news coverage, and contributes to MSNBC, CBS Sunday Morning, BBC World News America, PBS, CNN, Details magazine, The Daily and a variety of other outlets. He also writes and produces his own radio segments, maintains a blog, and has appeared as a featured guest on the Dr. Oz Show and the Nate Berkus Show.
Revolution had the pleasure to interview Daniel Sieberg, get scoop on the latest mobile apps and talk about his up and coming book "Digital Diet", due to be published on May 3, 2011.
R. The world has evolved and with it we must change, how do you predict life on mother earth in centuries to come?
DS. In centuries to come, I hope we've found other hospitable places in the galaxy and perhaps EARTH is just one of many homes for humankind. Our life span will undoubtedly increase but we'll have challenges and problems we can't even imagine today. Or we might just all sprout wings and live in trees. Anyone who claims to know exactly what will happen in the future should be suspect. Along with people who wear purple shoes.
R. Your a man with incredible knowledge and source, a modern James Bond with all the latest apps and tech gadgets. What is your favorite app or tech software?
DS. I must admit I recently enjoyed the app that played audio of Charlie Sheen's outbursts. But I quickly grew tired of it. Like the man himself. I've dabbled in "Angry Birds" and Cut the Rope." In all seriousness, I think my travel apps have been the most helpful and beneficial. The perfect match for a smart phone and someone on the go.
R. You've just returned from the Gothic city of Barcelona where you attended the Mobile World Congress, tell us what did you see and what can the consumer expect to buy in the near future?
DS. There were lots of smart phones and tablets and various items somewhere in between. What struck me the most is that I think tech companies are still searching for the "Goldilocks" size for a personal device. Is it a 5-inch smart phone? A 10-inch tablet? A 7-inch smart-top-tab-phone? Increasingly, people will become more discerning about the operating system on their phones and the apps that are available to it. So many smart phones and tablets have similar features these days (cameras, GPS, faster processor) that it's difficult to stand out. But software is becoming more critical to people's buying decisions. Plus whether you can buy a leopard-print case for it.
R. In between flights, stop-overs, meetings and varies adventures into space and the environment. What band or artist are you listening to?
DS. I've always been a huge fan of U2. But these days I spend a lot of time listening to Moby and Coldplay. I enjoy music that can transport me and spark an emotion. Also I think the ukelele is making a comeback. No, really.
R. You, ve just finished writing a book called " Digital Diet", tell us what lead to such a accomplishment and what can your readers expect?
DS. As someone who covered ( science and ) technology for 12+ years I got too caught up in the latest and greatest. I was also obsessed with my "World of War craft" characters, lost my identity in social networks, and relied on technology as the only form of communication negatively affected my interpersonal relationships across the board. I was forced to step back for a while after a couple of life-altering experiences (one included sharks, one included a disgruntled group of family members), which allowed me to formulate a plan to streamline digital intake that I hope works for most people. It involved research and interviews and experimenting and trying to find a beneficial strategy. But I'm far from perfect and still struggle with it. The book comes out May 3 and I hope the attention surrounding it will stimulate awareness and migrate to the web, classrooms, boardrooms and bedrooms. I love technology and the book is by no means "anti-technology" with its message. Rather it's about embracing the right technology and making it work for you, not the other way around. It feels like the right time for it. I'm sorry, were you talking to me? I was just engrossed in my technology. (And, no, It's not a contradiction to read it on your Kindle--it's about balance.)
Last but not Least...
R. You've been given a hot air balloon to fly around the world, which two innovative people from the past would you take with you on this adventure?
DS. Without a doubt or hesitation in my mind: Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. I'd be taking notes the whole time.
Daniel Sieberg
Adventures In
Sci-Tech,Space & Environment